Biography - notes from the life of Albert Karvonen
Schools and Teaching

The classroom also had a profound impact on Albert. His teachers revealed ideas and places, past and present, which were different from the scene on the farm. Albert looked up to them. His first school was Mission Hill elementary, which he attended until 1946 when he graduated from Grade Nine. Next he attended Grade Ten in Radway. He changed schools once more and attended Warspite Secondary, where he completed Grades Eleven and Twelve, graduating in 1949.
The esteem he felt for teachers showed in the fall of 1950 when Albert attended University and obtained his teaching license. The next six years he worked on his degree while teaching, first in the Smoky Lake School district and then in 1957 he joined the Edmonton Public School System. During this time he owned and operated a school bus for four years as well as teaching.

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