Boyle and District History Book Society Pilot Project

The Boyle and District History Book Society (BDHBS) was formed in 2007 for the purpose of collecting and publishing the family, educational, corporate, and legislative histories of the town and district of Boyle, Alberta, Canada.
The Town of Boyle
Founded in the mid twentieth century, the town of Boyle is located in the diverse parkland district of northeastern Alberta, which counts the boreal forest, agricultural prairie, and picturesque lakes as elements of its regional identify. Historically a home to First Nations peoples, and later European immigrants involved in the agricultural or forestry industries, the area is today embracing a new role as part of a corridor of economic and urban development leading to vast energy projects in the north.
As a region that has been privy to immense change, and which continues to evolve at a rapid pace, members of the Society are dedicated to recording the stories of its past and present residents. The primary goal remains the publication of a collection of these writings, but in conjunction with Athabasca University we are also pleased to offer the Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library's Boyle and District History Book Society collection of photographs and audio recordings. It is a small but poignant sample of the times and lives that have passed, which today help form the fabric of our culture and identity.
Boyle Citizens Share Their Stories
The photographs in this collection are paired with audio interviews with well-known Boyle residents. Take the time to listen to a town's history as it is remembered by those who lived it.